Master Development Plan
Price List
Purchasing Instructions
Purchase Request Form
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Frequently Asked Questions

Costs and Taxes

» What are all the closing costs?
» What will the property taxes be?
» What are the annual fees?
Q What are all the closing costs?
A At the time of closing purchasers will be responsible to pay the Belize Government Stamp Tax, which is 5% of the parcel purchase price amount over US$10,000, plus a prorated portion of the annual maintenance assessment.

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Q What will the property taxes be?
A Annual property taxes should be approximately 1% of the value of your parcel. For example, on a US$30,000 parcel, your property taxes should be approximately US$300 per year. A cashier's check made payable to the "Government of Belize" in the amount per your tax bill should be sent via registered mail to:
Department of Lands and Surveys
Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment
Market Square
Belmopan, Belize, C.A.

If you have additional questions or if you have not received a tax bill, you may wish to call or fax the Department of Lands and Surveys at:

Phone: 011-501-822-2598
Phone: 011-501-822-0736
Fax: 011-501-822-0592

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Q What are the annual fees?
A There is currently a US$396 per year common area maintenance (CAM) fee for residential parcels.

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Equal Opportunity Housing